Hidden Tracks 3.0

And we’re back! n_n

New hits coming at yah like Cleopatra! I hand picked these songs just for you. Why? Because I care about you. I want you to enjoy nice tunes that you can either A) jam to in your preferred mode of transportation B) bust a move to in your living room or C) head nod to at work.

If I had to pick a personal favourite, it would be, uh, let me see here. The Wolf Saga cover of The Strokes “You Only Live Once” is oddly perfect for my top pick. The description for this song on SoundCloud reads as follows:

I tried to make the cover sound like Autumn feels. I’ve loved this song since I first heard it and I’m very happy with how it flowed when I was recording.  

Yes! This is exactly how Autumn feels. Mellow at times, maybe a bit distant and cold, but things can pick up. The wind blowing by, leaves in the air, the smells and the excitement it creates. Darn! Now I wish it were Autumn. Soon enough I suppose.

enjoi the tunes.

  1. Wolf Saga ft. LYON – You Only Live Once (The Strokes cover)
  2. SALES – chinese new year
  3. Ra Ra Riot – Beta Love
  4. Purity Ring – Fineshrine
  5. Computer Magic – Mindstate
  6. Slow Magic – Girls
  7. Blackbird Blackbird – Young (ft. Britt Warner)