Bee and PuppyCat: Adventure Time meets Sailor Moon


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I came across a YouTube video from Cartoon Hangover (an animation channel on YouTube) about a year ago and have never been so excited for a show like this one in a long time. Titled Bee and PuppyCat, it’s an awesome blend of magical girl and crazy Adventure Time happy-go-lucky attitude and humor. The creator, Natasha Allegri, draws her inspiration from Sailor Moon and AT where she works as a character designer and storyboard artist. I can’t imagine a more perfect blend. If you haven’t seen it, check it out below and we’ll continue with this post.

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“I got you some ice for your crotch!”

“You TOOK too long, now your candy’s gone. That’s what happened. BUH-KAU!”

My favorite things about this show is Natasha’s on mark humorous moments and the voice acting. Comedy can be so hard to deliver, especially in cartoons simply because of the amount of nuances it takes to deliver a joke. We take for granted an actor’s expressions and gestures, but those things can add a lot to a good joke. Plus, not everyone always find the same thing funny. However, through the likability of the characters and the awkward/crazy situations they get themselves in, Bee and PuppyCat’s humor is both hilarious and endearing. The voice actors are great too and add such a very, very nice icing on the cake. In fact, I can’t find a lot of faults with this show. I love the animation style, the characters, and this very intriguing plot. I won’t reveal anything, but there’s a nice story near the end that will turn this funny story into something a lot more heartfelt.

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After a very successful Kickstarter campaign, the show is now in production and will debut very soon in the near future on Cartoon Hangover. The originally 2 part episodes received an immediate response on YouTube where it debuted. With this kind of fanbase already from the beginning, I can’t see a better start for a show. I’ll be eagerly awaiting the next episode. Below are some screen-shots I took and a production status update video the team released on April 3, 2014. I also found a great interview Natasha did with Channel Frederator on YouTube.

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