Adele’s 25

Firstly, apologizes for the lack of post. I can’t believe the last time I wrote was 3 months ago. So many things have happened (personally and to the world at large) so there will not be a lack of things for me to write about in the upcoming year I’m sure. But without further ado, I want to shift my focus now to music and one of my favorite singer: Adele! I first heard about her on the radio when she released her first album titled simply as 19. The song that got me right in the gut the minute I heard it was Chasing Pavements. From the melody, chorus, to of course the voice, everything about this song was magical to me. I was still in college then and was still very unsure about what was going to happen. Career-wise to life-wise, everything was just a bunch of unsure and the song talks about that in a very point-blank sort of way with a repeating chorus of

Should I give up,
Or should I just keep chasing pavements?
Even if it leads nowhere,
Or would it be a waste?
Even If I knew my place should I leave it there?

The best part about the song, in my opinion, is that it leaves the listener with that same open-ended question without a resolution. Giving up or keep going will be up to you. Flash forward and keeping with her numerical themes, Adele’s new album is recorded when she was 25. In a way, she’s an artist I grew up with and will continue to do so since we’re roughly the same age. It has been 3 years since her last album (21) was released and fans everywhere were eagerly awaiting her return to the music scene (myself included). Well, she’s back and with more gusto than ever before. There are likely many of these review posts out there already, but below are my thoughts on her new tracks and the album itself as a whole.


  1. Hello
    Her first single from 25 and it was definitely the right choice. On every of her album is one stand-out song and this song is it. Melodic, catchy, and powerful. They’re all parts of a good song that Adele is really good at creating and delivering. And also that opening line is just pure comedy gold (even though she might not have meant it…or maybe she did?).

  2. Send My Love (To Your New Lover)
    Listening to the album chronologically (I know, how weird of me), this song really jumps out at you. It’s energetic…dare I say young? The tune reminds me of Havana or somewhere by the beach. It’s a catchy song, but seems out of place. I am happy there’s finally a happy Adele song though. 

  3. I Miss You
    This is the song that should’ve followed Hello in my opinion. While Hello talks about a past love, I Miss You is about a recent / current love. It’s also on the cheery side but nowhere as sunshine brimming as Send My Love.

  4. When We Were Young
    Another strong ballad to bring us all back to what Adele does best. The song talks about her growing older and reminiscing a time long past. I like the song, it has all her trademarks ingredients, but the lyric is a bit off to me. I mean…she’s not THAT old to talk about stuffs in the past.

  5. Remedy
    This is my second favorite song from this album. It has a Chasing Pavement likeness to it in that the song is thoughtful and concise. It’s also similar in that no belting is required to deliver its message.

  6. Water Under the Bridge
    Another up-beat song! This has to be a record for her. It’s one of those song that I’ll listen if I’m in the mood, but skippable.

  7. River Lea
    There’s a sort of gospel-ish thing about this song that I kind like. The song builds nicely starting off quietly and coalescing into the chorus creating a new melody at the same time. I don’t know where or what the River Lea is, but I want to find out. Another favorite.

  8. Love in the Dark
    I hate to call this a filler song because I’m sure she racked her brain and thought about every song for this album very carefully. Lyrically, it didn’t say anything that stood out to me. The tune is nice but overall it is an average song to me that is neither good or bad.

  9. Million Years Ago
    And we’re back! A very simple melody makes up this song that just repeats itself as Adele croons from verse to verse. It’s almost like she’s talking to the listener. Despite its simplicity, I really like this song. I feel like it’s one of those song that only Adele could’ve made it what it is.

  10. All I Ask
    We’re almost coming to an end? So soon. This song is like a continuation to Water Under the Bridge but just a lot better. The lyrics are also kinda on the same story line as well.

  11. Sweetest Devotion
    The end has come 🙁 Thankfully we’re ending on a good note as they say. A song about Adele’s new role as a mother that can easily be used for any other sort of relationship. A versatile, gentle, and genuine song.

Overall, this is another great record for Adele. She delivers in giving us crazy fans more lovely and melodic songs she’s become known for. There are soft, jazzy singing to her signature belting. However, lyrically it really shows her struggle with this album. Researching for this post, I saw that she briefly contemplated giving up on music because she had major writer’s block when working on this album. Her previous albums have always stay or drift along a central theme or topic. For 25, it became a mixture of her growth and struggles: new accomplishments and past, clingy memories. It’s a more mature Adele with similar struggles like you or me. A must have for any Adele fan new or old.