I completed Journey awhile ago now. And since then, there is no possible way I could ever forget the experience of playing such a beautiful game. It’s true, it lives up to everything that has been said about it. The visuals are surreal and yet so sublime and mellow. The story, regardless of how short it is, is full of discovery and self-worth.
I won’t spoil anything about the game for those who have not played it yet. One of the most interesting aspects to this game is the subtle way they included multiplayer. If you are connected to the internet, as you play through the story, one other player may drop into your game. Without the ability to text and voice chat with this player, you are still able to build an instant bond with them. You stick together and discover that everyone is on journey. Just because we can’t communicate with them, doesn’t stop the player from ever giving up on that person or helping. It’s a great dynamic that really adds to the experience.
One of the little things that I noticed was the scarf of your player. Just play and you’ll see what I mean.
At the end, I was left with an open jaw and a respect for those that are devoted to create such a game with powerful purpose and meaning. Everyone might take something different out of their experience with this game and I hope many continue to adore every ounce of fantastic piece of story/media/art/song contained within. Whether you are a fan of video games or not, you at least need to watch someone play the game through its entirety. And once you stop, you won’t be able to stop thinking about Journey until you end right where you started.
Played on PS3. Developed by thatgamecompany.